Kingsway Medical Centre is a family practice located in Glen Waverley. Since August 2012, our dedicated team of GPs have been delivering healthcare to the surrounding multi-cultural community in the best way possible, bringing optimum health to individuals and families.
Our dedicated doctors are ready to help with all your medical needs, whether it is for a short-term illness or for the long-term management of a chronic disease. We also offer skin checks as well as pain management through laser acupuncture.
Kingsway Medical Centre respects and welcomes patients from all cultures and backgrounds. We have both male & female doctors on site to meet every patient’s needs. They are all bilingual, and TIS/Auslan interpreter services can be booked upon request.
Kingsway Medical Centre is a fully accredited practice under AGPAL. You can be confident that we will provide the highest levels of care and absolute confidentiality.
We provide a rapid booking service and open for long hours to meet each patient’s needs. Visitors can enjoy easy access to Glen Waverley train station and a large public car park. The clinic is designed with a spacious and relaxing waiting area. You will find a visit to Kingsway Medical Clinic a friendly and reassuring experience – with four well appointed consultation rooms and advanced medical equipment.
Our attentive staff are committed to providing high quality service to ensure each patient feels comfortable and at ease. Your health is our top priority.
荣耀家医诊所是位于 Glen Waverley 的家医诊所。我们从二〇一二年八月开业以来,一直致力于为多元文化社区的居民提供诊疗与保健服务,协助个人与家庭维持理想的健康生活。
我们拥有AGPAL认证, 诊室设备齐全先进,可提供皮肤检查,镭射针灸(帮助病人缓解疼痛),病理检验等服务项目。我们也将最高程度保护您的个人隐私。
我们尊重并欢迎来自不同文化和背景的病人。 我们理解患者有不同的需求,因此每天都有男 、女医生同时坐诊,并提供多语言服务。如果患者有需要,也可以预约免费的口译服务或Auslan手语翻译服务。
荣耀家医诊所营业时段长,预约方便迅速,确保您在需要的时候得到最优质的医疗服务。诊所位处交通便利地段,靠近 Glen Waverley 火车站,对面便是大型公用停车场。诊所内设有宽敞舒适的候诊室及幼儿阅读/游戏区,以便患者在候诊时也拥有轻松愉悦的环境体验。